Vito is a perpetually freshman congressman of the Independent persuasion. He was first elected November 2nd, 2004 (or earlier, if you are reading the ancient toons.) Vito, like most congresspeople, was elected for life. Or at least until he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fortunately for Vito, he has no hands.
Line Item Vito was created and written by Eddie Caplan. The images, text, and toons are ©Copyrighted 1997-onward by Eddie Caplan.
The site’s software is similarly ©Copyrighted 2004-onward by Eddie Caplan, except where otherwise noted in the comments of the software, and by the theme and plugin owners below.
Contact me, Eddie Caplan, at
Line Item Vito owes a lot to many people, mostly my family (and I think you know who you are).
For the current implementation with WordPress, many thanks to the WordPress team of developers and supporters and the millions of users all over the world who have made WordPress the mature and stable product it is. But special thanks to the creators of the following theme and plugins.
theme & plugin shout outs
MinimalistBlogger theme by ThemeEverest (aka Superb Themes)
Insert PHP Code Snippet plugin by XYZScripts
Gallery with thumbnail slider plugin by Galaxy Weblinks
MaxButtons plugin by Max Foundry
TablePress plugin by Tobias Bäthge
Image Hover Effects plugin by Labib Ahmed